Insider Tour Berlin

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Om aktivitetsarrangören

Insider Tour Berlin has been pioneering cutting edge English language tours in Berlin since 1996. Our internationally renowned Berlin walking tours show all the main sites while delivering a gripping narrative on this city's history, charachter and contemporary state. Our highly acclaimed professional guides deliver knowlegeable and riveting accounts of the stories behind Berlin's turbulent history - from its very origins as a slavic fishing village, through to the opulent Prussian and Bismark eras, taking in the two World Wars, the Cold War, the Fall of the Wall and finally culminating in the forming of this trendy, transparent and optimistic capital of the new German Federal Republic. Insider Tour Berlin also conducts specialised tours on the Third Reich, the Cold War, Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp and Potsdam. Insider's day trip to Dresden has continually gained in popularity since its inception in 2007. Guided private tours in English are also given to educational, social, corporate and institutional groups on any specialised subject. We look forward to welcoming you to Berlin!

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